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2022 10K Ramble WEB_BANNER.png

Ready, Set, Run! Come out on Saturday March 19th at 8:00am for our Inaugural Camp Horne Ramble 10k and 1mile fun run at Camp Horne in Cottondale, AL. Come join us in a challenging multi surface course that will include, pavement, open trail, wood bridges and gravel road  This course is open to all fitness levels. This course will take you through the beautiful property of Camp Horne.  This course will also include unique mile marks, hydration station at miles 2 and 4, and scouts cheering you on as you move along.


$30.00 per participant for 10k Ramble

February 1st: Price increases to $35.00 per participant

March 1st: Price increases to $40.00 per participant

Day of the Event:  Price increases to $45.00


$20.00 per participant for 1 mile Fun Run/ Walk

Day of the Event: Price increases to $25.00

Register by March 9th to get a guaranteed t-shirt and race packet with all the goodies! 


Awards - Top 3 male/female, top male/female – master’s, grand master’s and great grand masters.  Top 3 in each Age Divisions: 9 & under, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74-, 75 & older. 


Hot breakfast provided to all runners afterwards.  Door Prizing and so much more!!!


Race packet pick up is Friday March 18th from 8am-5pm (Council Office, 2700 Jack Warner Pkwy NE, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404) or the morning of the race beginning at 7am at Camp Horne.


All monies raised will go directly to Camp Horne to assist with program area needs for youth of all ages.  Future project list include; low cope course elements, climbing equipment, shooting sports improvements, swimming area improvements and so much more…

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